Sunday 1 June 2014

Body Image and Other Pressures!

So lately over the past few months or so I've noticed how people judge others for how they look and this has been really prominent in my life! From hearing guys who I thought where not judgmental at all and usually very kind talk about other boys who I very close to calling them chubby or making fun of how they are, if they are small or tall or muscle or very slim. To watching videos on YouTube about how a girl should be for a guy to find them attractive. Its really shocked me! 

If you didn't know teen star Tyger Drew-Honey, who played Jake from out numbered and is only a few days younger than myself has started a new series on the BBC. In "Tyger Drew Honey takes on..." Tyger well takes on different topics from the aspect of an 18 yr old boy trying to become a man. So far I've watched the first one where he looks at the affect of porn has had in our generation and also male body image. 

Watching all off this has really made me think about the pressures placed on both sexes from about 13 and even younger for some. I cant remember the last time I looked in the mirror and felt I was allowed to say I think I looked fine, its just not done is it?  From buying first bra, going to secondary school, my first kiss, to getting my first proper boyfriend, and turning 18 and dressing to going out I feel I've had a lot of confidence changes over time; some low and some high. All the time I thought it was just girls who had to worry if they were pretty, wearing right make up, if there boobs were big enough, if their legs smooth enough, dress short enough to look attractive but not slutty... 

But its not! With the rise of male stars all looking gorgeous, porn being very available making boys feel that's what they should be doing,  the male make up industry increasing and the rise of attractive young men found on vines and YouTube the pressure is piled on men to. They feel like they should be slim, have a  6 pack, good abs, sleeping with girls, drinking, smoking, wearing designer clothes, but its just as unrealistic as the expectations on girls! 

I'm not sure what my rant was leading too, I thought a would just share with you my thoughts for the week and leave you with a few more encouraging and happy ones.

This is for all males and females old and young! I don't care if you have to buy XXXL clothing or XXS, if your tall or short, super brainy or not so smart, a gym bunny or a coach potato. What I want you to do over the next week is write a list, not a long one of things you like about your self! It doesn't have to be looks (but one about appearance would be good)! But it could be a range of things and stick it next to your mirror and read it in the morning before you leave the house just to remind you that your great and you love parts of yourself even if it feels like other people don't ! 

Here's mine:

Another great idea of doing a list about some one else so they can feel loved too! So here's one I did for my Boyfriend:

If you enjoyed reading this blog post, be sure to come and follow me on my Bloglovin Page and my blog's Facebook Page! And if you weren't a fan of this more serious blog, I also do more fun DIY's, favorites and Beauty posts too!

Katie xxx

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