Sunday 14 September 2014

Jewellery Storage Idea!

As you know I am moving to Uni in less than a week! Arghhh! That's scary! However when I move into my hauls I know I am going to have considerable less shelving and storage areas in my room than I'm used to at home so was constable looking for new storage ideas. 

While I was shopping in Next I found something called the little black dress, while was an price of black material with when place on a coat hanger looked like a dress which you could easily hang in your wardrobe. This was about £20 in Next so as I am always one for a bargain I headed to Google to look for one which would be very similar do the same job and be much cheaper! 

Of course the wonderful internet did a great job and found be one which really didn't look different to the pricey one in next, for £2! 
Which you can find here:

I have now filled it with my jewellery so I thought instead of just try got explain it I would show you some photos of how I've used it.

As you can see on the left there is a section I used to hang my less chunky necklaces, which means they are much less likely to get tangled up in each other due to the space left between them! On the other side there is small plastic pockets which I've stored my chunkier necklaces, earrings and some bracelets!

I find this useful as I can now see all my jewellery options so I find I am wearing a larger range of jwellery I never used to wear!

Although this product is advertised as a jewellery storage item I'm pretty sure it can be used for many other uses as you can see below I've tried it out with nail varnishes. If you get one I would love to see if you've had any other great ideals on how to use this little black dress!

I hope this has given any of you moving to uni or just wanted now storage ideas a great product to help you out! The next time you hear from me I will have slept my first night in Leeds! I'm so nervous and excited I just hope I get a new blog ready for next Sunday, if I don't please have some patience as you all know moving away from home is a pretty big thing to! 

While I'm at Uni I plan to carry on with this blog with new posts every Sunday and if you have any blogs you would like me to do about uni or my course (Dietetics) just be sure to ask in the comments!

Also remember if you would like to hear more from me and see my next blog to come and follow my Bloglovin Page and like my blog's Facebook Page! 
Katie xxx

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